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Does Your Elderly Loved One Have the Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer?

There are many studies that show about 1 in every 78 women are at risk of getting ovarian cancer. Many people think that this doesn’t include elderly women, but it does. This is why it is very important to know the risk factors for ovarian cancer. It also means that, as a family caregiver, you should learn these risk factors and explain them to your elderly loved one. Together, you may be able to help prevent your elderly loved one from getting ovarian cancer.

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Getting Older

There have been a few studies that show ovarian cancer generally isn’t found in women under 40 years of age. In addition, these studies state that half of the women who get this type of cancer are over 63 years old. This means there is a higher risk of an elderly woman getting ovarian cancer than a younger woman. If your loved one is 63 or older, you may want to talk to their doctor about screening for ovarian cancer.

Being Overweight

There really hasn’t been enough evidence to link obesity with ovarian cancer. However, there is a lot of evidence that shows being overweight can increase the odds of someone getting different forms of cancers. In addition, it also could put a person at higher risk for many other kinds of diseases, as well. If your elderly loved one is overweight, you and the caregivers can help them to start losing weight with a weight management plan today.

Being Pregnant Later in Life

Some studies show that women who become pregnant after the age of 35 are at higher risk of getting ovarian cancer. In addition, women who had miscarriages might also have a greater risk of developing this type of cancer. Is your elderly loved one concerned about getting ovarian cancer due to these reasons? If so, the best thing you can do is encourage your loved one to talk with a medical professional.

Having Fertility or Hormone Replacement Treatments

Some studies show that people who take fertility drugs and in-vitro-fertilization can also be at higher risk for ovarian cancer. It is best if your elderly loved one speaks to their doctor about the risks of these treatments before having them.


Some experts suggest that women have children earlier in life to lower their risk of ovarian cancer. They should also try to eat healthier and see their doctor on a regular basis. As a family caregiver, it is best for you and the professional caregivers to encourage your elderly loved one to have regular checkups and physicals. These things, along with the other tips mentioned above, can help to lower your elderly loved one’s risk of getting ovarian cancer.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care in Middletown, DE, please contact the caring staff at Macklyn Home Care today. (302) 691-3217


